A Long-awaited First Post

Hey there! When I moved from Alabama at the end of July, I told everyone I was moving to Toronto, Canada with my amazing fiancee. This was not technically false. However, some short-sightedness on our part led to the Canadian border station turning us back. (We weren't banned, fortunately.)

After spending a very expensive (but not awful) week in a hotel on the outskirts of Buffalo, we were able to find an apartment walking distance from downtown at a most agreeable price. Pros: The cost, the location, the way it's laid out, and the rent. The cons: It's under 400 sq ft and on the third floor. Move-in day was absolute hell on both of us; I ended up doing most of the unloading whilst my partner stacked everything up in the apartment. I think we were both sore for at least three days after...

We've mostly settled in now, aside from a few residual boxes and some uncertainty about the final spot for some things. A set of mug racks and a trip to the antique shop next door on 50-cent sale day means we'll never be lacking a cup for coffee! All in all, everything about the apartment has really come together. Unfortunately, we're still job hunting. We were able to make a deal with a friend or two so we aren't penniless, but things are a bit tight. We've both got an application in but we're both still waiting on a callback as of writing. I plan to enquire at more places nearby come Monday.

In other news... there's a bar nearby that we absolutely adore. Wegmans is perhaps the best grocery store I've ever stepped in (certainly overtaking Costco given the latter's recent crackdown on membership... that's a rant for another time) but Aldi still wins on price despite their limited selection. We've both got library cards, and we fully intend to capitalize on their services and of course check out materials from time to time. Our New York State licenses should be coming in the mail soon (exchanging them was surprisngly painless!)

Hopefully the next update won't be posted a month behind schedule... My excessive use of parentheses and ellipses will return soon!
